Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Directed by: Marcus Dunstan
Released: 2012

I really enjoyed "The Collector," the precursor to this film.  "The Collection," however,  while pretty decent, was not as good as the first.  There was some really awesome gore and death scenes, much like the first, but something was... different, I guess.  The first film was just The Collector in a house with a few people, but in "The Collection," we get to see his abandoned hotel/warehouse space where he keeps and tortures the one person from every group that he keeps alive.  A lot of those scenes were quite good; The Collector takes the people that he keeps alive, dopes them up with unfathomable amounts of opiates, chains them to walls and puts them in straight jackets, and lets them essentially work as his "guard dogs" -- they're zombies, basically, although they're not actually dead.  All they really know how to do is kill, which is kind of cool.  The ending of the film was...  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  There's another sequel coming, I can almost assure you of that.  But there was a twist of sorts, so I won't say exactly why I think there's another film coming.  

I think I enjoyed the first one so much because the location was smaller, there wasn't as much at the killers disposal, and he had to improvise.  It was more personal.  It was more claustrophobic and invoked a sense of dread, whereas "The Collection" just didn't have that.  I did like it, but it was nowhere near as good as the first.  With that said, it's still a mainstream Hollywood horror film, and it's not a remake, and it's gory as hell, so I have to give it credit for that alone.  Plus, as my girlfriend pointed out, how many horror sequels are actually worth a shit?  Not many, that I can think of...   5.5/10 

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